
Last Updated 12/30/24

Meeting at the VBF Worship Center - 12323 5th. St., Yucaipa CA X92399

Services: Sunday 2:30 PMXX Telephone: (909) 768-0342X Email: info@nhcyucaipa.com
See us on youtube at www.youtube.com NHC-Yucaipa
Mail: P.O. Box 96, Yucaipa, CA 92399

John: The Great "I AM" Gospel

Jesus said to them, "Truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." John 8:58

When Moses asked God for His name, so that he could convince the Hebrews and confront Pharaoh, God stated He is "I AM'. In Hebrew, it is Yahweh. When the New Testament writers name Yahweh, it's mostly translated as "Lord". Despite both historic and modern false teaching, Jesus did claim both of those titles (I AM & Lord), thereby showing Himself to be God and He who was interacting Moses on Mount Sinai. No Gospel more clearly shows Jesus' claim to deity than the account penned by the Apostle John. This marvelous, theological book stands unique in Scripture, in many ways. For our next extensive series, we will be studying the Gospel according to John verse-by-verse. We invite you to join us and to discover the Great I AM. This new Series began Sunday, January 8, 2023 and continues into 2025