09-17-2023 God's Charge to Remember
New Heights Church 20th Anniversary Celebration

Anniversary Sermon Celebration

In Scripture, the occurrence of a 20-year mark seems to correspond with waiting on the Lord. Jacob waited 20 years for the daughter of Laban. Israel was captive of the Canaanites for 20 years. It took King Solomon 20 years to complete both the grand Temple and his royal home. All of these had to learn about God's timing vs the human agenda. At New Heights, we've had to learn just the same. This September marks our 20-year anniversary as a family of God in Yucaipa. As part of our celebration, we'll be taking a one-week break from our current series in John's Gospel to consider God's amazing Providence, His timing, and His charge to His people to always remember. We hope you'll join us--Sunday, September 17th, 10:30 A.M.